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MIT Gospel Choir Constitution

Article I. NAME


The name of the organization shall be the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gospel Choir.




The basis of faith of this organization is as follows: We believe in the:

a. Unique, divine inspiration, entire trustworthiness, and authority of the Bible.

b. Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ.

c. Necessity and efficacy of the substitutionary death of Jesus Christ for the redemption of the world and the historic fact of his bodily resurrection.

d. Presence and power of the Holy Spirit in the work of regeneration.

e. Expectation of the personal return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

f. Power of the gift of music, which God has given, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.





The primary purposes of this organization are:

a. To witness that the Lord Jesus Christ is God Incarnate, and to seek to lead others to personal faith in Christ as Lord and Savior. This goal shall be accomplished through music, arts, and personal communications.

b. To help Christians grow toward maturity as disciples of Christ by encouraging them to find a church home, by study of the bible, by prayer, and by Christian Fellowship.



The secondary purposes of this organization are to contribute to the educational, cultural and social climate of MIT by:

a. Developing healthy human relationships.

b. Being aware of opportunities for social justice.

c. Encouraging the development of educational, personal, musical and vocational skills.

d. Encourage members of the choir to agree with the overall purposes of the choir, as outlined in this entire article.




Section 1.

Membership in the MIT Gospel Choir is open to the MIT and non-MIT community under the stipulation that the choirs makeup be such that the majority of the choir is MIT students (This is to conform with ASA regulations).


Section 2.

Members of the choir are not required, but are highly encouraged, to subscribe to

Articles II and III of this constitution


Section 3. MEMBERS

A. A general member of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir is anyone who is dedicated to the choir and is committed to the purposes of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir.


B. A performing member of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir is anyone who has paid dues according to Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution and is present and on time to at least two thirds of all practices for the semester, unless  excused by their respective Section Leader.


Section 4. DUES

The dues of the M.I.T. shall be determined by the Leadership Team at the start of each Academic Year.  For those members who are unable to financially contribute will be required to help set up and break down one of the concert venues.





The members of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir Internal Leadership Team shall be:


A. President

B. Vice-President

C. Treasurer

D. Secretary


The members of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir External Leadership Team Meeting shall be:


E. Devotions Leader

F. Historian

G. Publicity Chair

H. Social Chair

I. Alumni Liaison

J. Section Leaders



The duties of the Executive Committee shall be:

A. To aid in determining policy of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir

B. To make final decisions on all Gospel Choir events

C. To decide each year whether any committee shall exist and appoint a chairman for such a committee.

D. To report policy decisions at the next General Body meeting


Section 3. DUTIES

The duties of the specific members of the Leadership Team shall be as:


A. President

i. To chair the meetings of the Leadership Team

ii. To plan all M.I.T. Gospel Choir concerts and performances

iii. To represent the M.I.T. Gospel Choir to the public

iv. To handle all external M.I.T.B.S.U. correspondence within a 48 hour period

v. To be directly responsible for the current choir director

vi. To attend all OMESAC and ASA meetings


B. Vice-President

i. To take charge of all issues pertaining to M.I.T. Gospel Choir practices. This includes all main practices, called practices, and sectionals

ii. To head meetings of the Leadership Team in the case that the President cannot be present

iii. To attend all OMESAC and ASA meetings and make reports to the General Body

iv. To respond to all new member interests for the Gospel Choir

v. To maintain and keep an accurate record of M.I.T. Gospel Choir membership listservs


C. The Secretary:

i. To keep and read minutes of all Leadership Team and General Body meetings.

ii. To take and keep track of attendance at all M.I.T. Gospel Choir practices

iii. To distribute and supervise all forms given to Gospel Choir members. This includes membership forms, surveys, and anything else the Leadership Team deems necessary

vi. To keep the Gospel Choir calendar updated on a regular basis

v. To send out an “Updates” email every week of the school year no more than four days before practice


D. The Treasurer:

i. Be concerned with the financial status of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir

ii. Be responsible for the annual budget and the distribution of the organization's funds.

iii. Keep detailed records and give detailed monthly reports at the General Body meetings.

iv. Be responsible for the raising of funds for the M.I.T. Gospel Choir

v. Be responsible for the payment of all M.I.T. Gospel Choir hires.


E. Devotions Leader

i. To lead devotion at the beginning of each M.I.T. Gospel Choir practice

ii. To lead prayer at the beginning and end of Gospel Choir practice if no others volunteer

iii. To be responsible for organizing prayer meetings as seen necessary

iv. To be responsible for the organizing of the “follow-up process” along with the help of the Leadership Team


F. Historian (if no Publicity Chair, covers those roles)

i. To be responsible for all recordings of M.I.T. Gospel Choir practices and concerts

ii. To maintain the M.I.T. Gospel Choir website

iii. To document all activities of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir

iv. To organize all records of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir


G. Publicity Chair (if no Historian, covers those roles)

i. To be responsible for all advertisement pertaining to the M.I.T. Gospel Choir


H. Social Chair

i. To administer activities to promote community among M.I.T. Gospel Choir members

ii. To choose outfits for all performances

iii. To plan all fundraising events held by the Choir


I. Alumni Liaison

i. To keep track of alumni of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir

ii. To plan any reunions of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir


J. Section Leaders

i. To be directly responsible for learning the song parts of their respective sections

ii. To lead all sectional practices for their respective sections

iii. To be in charge of getting all members of their section to practice and performances

iv. To help in the creation of recordings for the General Body


Section 4.

Members of the Leadership Team are not required, but are highly encouraged, to subscribe to Articles II and III of this constitution.



A. No one member can hold more than one office of the Leadership Team.

B. To be eligible to run for an office one must be a performing member of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir




Section 1.

Meetings for the transaction of business shall be called by the Leadership Team or upon the request of three members.


Section 2.

Meetings for choir rehearsal shall be held at times decided by the members. Choir rehearsal, with a devotional period, shall be held weekly.



The prompt attendance of all leaders, mentioned in Article V, to Leadership Team meetings, rehearsal, all prayer meetings, and any other meetings, is mandatory. It is the responsibility of Leadership Team members to inform the President if an absence, or extensive lateness, is unavoidable. Further, it is the responsibility of the President to inform the Vice President if an absence, or extensive lateness, is unavoidable



The prompt attendance of choir members to all rehearsals and appearances is mandatory. It is the responsibility of the choir members to inform the Secretary if an absence, or extensive lateness, is unavoidable.


Section 5.

Other meetings for the discussion and presentation of matters pertaining to the purposes stated in article III shall be held as occasion warrants




Section 1. QUORUM

A. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of all performing members of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir must be present to vote on any General Body decision, Leadership Team Impeachment, or Leadership Team Elections.



A. All performance requests will be discussed by the Leadership Team within a week of receiving the request

B. If the President feels that there is enough interest among the Leadership Team, the performance request will be presented to the general body at the next practice

C. A majority of the votes of the General Body is needed to accept a performance request

D. The requester will be notified of the decision no more than 48 hours after that practice by the Secretary



A minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of M.I.T. Gospel Choir general members' signatures is required to bring an impeachment statement before the General Body. In the event that the number of general members is not determined, the number of signatures is set to ten (10). A majority vote of the General Body is necessary to enact the statement. In the event of a tie, the General Body shall resume discussion and prepare for a re-vote.



Amending and rewriting the Constitution follows the same procedure as Article VI, Section 3, except three-fourths (3/4) vote of the performing members of the General Body is required for approval.




Section 1.

The members of the Executive Committee shall handle all election processes.


Section 2.

A. The term of office for the Leadership Team, excluding Section Leaders, shall begin May 1st of each Academic Year (the end date for the term of the previous Leadership Team).


B. The term of office for the Section Leaders shall begin October 1 of each Academic Year and will extend until the following October.



Any candidate who is nominated for office must be a performing member of the M.I.T. Gospel Choir for the current academic year. Exceptions can only be considered with a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the General Body.



Candidacy for office on the Leadership Team shall be confirmed by a written nomination from any General Body member. Nominations are to be opened in April of each academic year. The Secretary is responsible for confirming the candidacy and eligibility of all nominees.


Section 5.

Elections shall be held the April of each academic year with no less than one (1) and no more than three (3) weeks allowed for nominations.


Elections for Section Leaders shall be held in September of each academic year with no more than two (2) weeks allowed for nominations.



In the event of a vacancy a special election is held for that position as soon as possible. Special elections shall follow the same procedures of a standard election.



A. Candidates for office shall be allowed no more than five (5) minutes to present their platform to the General Body during elections. All other candidates shall leave the room for the platform.


B. Once all candidate platforms and the corresponding question and answer period for a particular office has been concluded, all candidates shall leave the room and the

General Body shall enter executive session to discuss the qualifications of the candidates. The selection of each office takes place during executive session.


C. Only performing members of the General Body may cast a vote during elections.


D. A majority of votes for a specific position is required to be elected to that position. In the event of a tie, the General Body shall resume discussion and prepare for a re-vote.


E. Write-in votes must be submitted a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours before elections. Write-ins are counted only for the first ballot. Write-in votes do not count towards a re-vote.





The Massachusetts Institute of Technology Gospel Choir agrees to abide by the rules and regulations of the Association of Student Activities, its executive committee, and the finance board. This constitution, amendments to it, and by-laws to this organization shall be subject to review by the ASA executive committee to insure that they are in accordance with the aforementioned rules and regulations.


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